Whenever someone is thinking of going for a Low Cost Mineral Water Plant, there can be 2 -3 ways :
Starting a low budget mineral water plant , with ISI
Starting an RO Plant with Chiller , without ISI
Starting a Mineral Water Business, with someone else’s production unit
Starting a Low Budget ISI Water Plant
Starting an ISI Water Plant requires you to be aware of Mineral Water Plant License Cost. It means installing all machinery confining to the B.I.S. Standards as per IS-14543, which is the standard set for Packaged Drinking Water (Technical Name for otherwise called “Mineral Water”). The cost of such a plant will include the cost of lab, Filling Machine, Plastic PET Blow Machine and plant construction as per ISI.
Going for Low Budget is actually going for a small scale mineral water plant. You will need to cut down the Mineral Water Plant Machinery Cost. For Example, instead of going for a 60 BPM machine you can go for a 24 BPM machine, or you can totally avoid the Bottles Manufacturing. In such a case, you can go for a small Jars Plant or Pouches Plant (if permissible in your state). If you are going for all 3 varieties like Bottles, Jars & Pouch; and still want to have a low cost mineral water plant, then you may need to get the bottles manufactured by some other source. This can cut the investment size-ably. Check the plastic pet bottle blowing machine price to know this. You can refer to the BIS website for the BIS rules & can also refer to the Cost Article to get more ideas on an ISI RO Plant Project Cost.
Can RO Plant with Chiller be the Option ?
Chilled Water Non ISI Jars
People often confuse these type jars with the BIS approved 20 Ltr Transparent Jars, also called as “Bubble Tops”. There will be huge difference between a 20 Ltr Jar Mineral Water Plant Price (ISI) & an RO Plant with Chiller Price in India. As the former confine to ISI standards and the latter doesn’t. RO Plant with Chiller is NOT covered under the BIS premise, hence you always run a risk of your unit getting sealed, though clear policy is still to arrive.
Starting a Mineral Water Business with Someone else’s Production Unit
This means you will just own the brand, do marketing & someone else with a valid BIS license & production facilities will produce the bottles or Jars for you. This will save you from Mineral Water Plant Machinery Cost, Mineral Water Plant License Cost and you can be perfectly achieving your goal :- Having a low cost mineral water plant project.
This is also referred as “Co-Packing” Business. A new term emerging. It can be started with a very low investment compared to a manufacturing unit. You can refer to the special Playlist we have created on our Youtube Channel. We also offer consultancy for this called as “Tri-Party Consultation“.
Having own , even a small water bottling plant is always an edge over getting it done from outside. But this can be a viable solution for those who wish to start with a very small budget. Look at the following success story :-
People call it as “Bisleri Water Plant“; however, it’s actually a Packaged Drinking Water Plant ( as per the BIS specifications). It’s Bisleri, who first brought the concept of most purified water in India. Very generally, people still call it “Bisleri” water. It’s the way the brand has penetrated in India.
If you are willing to setup a Packaged Drinking Water Plant in India ..
People also call it “Mineral Water Plant” very generally. So, if you are willing to know the cost of such a plant, the cost is divided into the following heads
One Time Costs
Land & Building Cost
Machinery and Equipment Cost
Consultancy Cost (Project Consultancies
Other 1 Time Purchases
Recurring Expenses
Purchases & Consummables
Licenses & Renewals
Bank Costs
Once you calculate this in detail, and put your financial projections for certain years on paper, you will know the R.O.I. ; the Return on Investment. This will give you the decision on the type of plant to go for.
While looking at the query “Water Purifier Plant Project Cost” ; I tried entering into the query maker’s mind. And concluded that the person more relates to setting up a Mineral Water Plant or a Bottled Water Plant or a Packaged Drinking Water Plant (the way it’s officially called in India).
Let’s look at the basics ..
The basics remain the same; whether you wish to setup a plant in India, or abroad. The basics start from the same things like
What is that you have in mind .. like setting up a “Mineral Water” like the “Himalayan” which costs more than the regular “Packaged Drinking Water” ?
Or you are willing to setup a plant which produces the regular “Packaged Drinking Water” (which is sold at Rs. 20 today)
You may be having land, water ready with you, however, looking to setup a plant on the land you have. And my be willing to know how much will be the cost.
Do you find opportunities if plastic is banned & what will be the alternative to package the bottle ?
Or you might be an entrepreneur who is smart enough to get the water produced at one of the already functional plants & thereby would save the “Water Purifier” Plant Project Cost.
The Costing Fundamentals remain the same
The costing fundamentals remain the same.
The Capital Expenditure (Capex)
The Operational Expenses (Opex)
The ROI (Return on Investment)
As an investor, you would like to have a deeper dive into these principles. Many of these items are covered on the other articles on this website, suggest you to have a look at those like
Also refer the other articles if you find them valuable.
This is all covered at 1 single place
As an investor, or an entrepreneur, do you want to get answers to these questions, comparisons head to head , exact idea on the ROI, need to know the details of what a Water Purifier Plant Project exactly consist of, or can know what will be the future in this “Water” niche ? It is all covered under our Live Training
Want to know more ?
Please write to us at mineralwaterpune@gmail.com to get answer or post comments on this article. Thanks & best luck !
Latest Update (Aug 2020) :- After the Covid-19 outbreak, things have changed rapidly, and Water Business is no exception to it. Direct Demand from houses directly has increased, and hence the 20 Ltr Jars from houses has become a “go-to” model. Entrepreneurs are asking the 20 Ltr Jar Mineral Water Plant Cost , more and more now.
In fact the Mineral Water Plant Machinery Cost as a whole will also observe a change now. It will certainly have some sort of additional quality check must-be’s from the B.I.S. You can also check a Video uploaded on our Youtube Channel. We can also have an open discussion on this subject through a Blogger Post, or we also have a water business focused group on Linked-In, where we have created a post, let’s keep discussing there as well.
Mineral Water Packaging
Mineral Water ( Packaged Drinking Water ) is packaged in various forms. The most popular ones are :-
Bottles of 1 Ltr, 500 ml, 200-300 ml & 100 ml ( The PET Bottle Model will be in threat, as the Govt will be scraping the 1 time plastic usage from 2022). Read this article for more information
Jars of 20 Ltr, 5 Ltr (This is the most go-to model now)
Glasses or Cups of 200 ml or 100 ml (This is also banned now)
Pouches (Now banned at many places) of 200 or 250 ml
Out of the 4 types mentioned above, Jars is the type of Packaging which is used for bulk consumption in houses or offices. Although 2 sizes are available, 20 Ltrs is the most consumed one, hence the most popular as well.
Let’s have a look at the 20 Liter Jar Packaged Drinking Water PlantCost through this table :
Note :-
1)The table shown below can be used to check 20 Ltr Jar Mineral Water Plant cost.
2) Checking all the items is important. The Shed construction cost, utilities etc as well !
3) For details you can attend one of our training sessions.
From the small table above, you can notice some of these things like :-
Even if you Double the Plant Size, it doesn’t double the investment.
# How will it make the difference ?
Capacity, when doubled, makes your capacity to produce & offer 2 times, hence the chances of an better R.O.I.R.O.I.Return on Investment
(We have a detailed cost calculation session during our Live Training Sessions, which highlights this issue & offers you a better clarity on this most important aspect)
Low Budget Plant has a Jar filling “Station”, while medium budget plant has a “Jar Filling Machine”
Actually, low budget plants don’t require a “machine” as the production requirement may be very less.requirement may be very lessFilling StationFilling Machine not advisable for production below 400 Jars a day. In such a case, we have seen, on most of the plants, hand operated “stations” are provided; which are perfectly fine.
Post Covid-19 Precautionary measures
However, a little care needs to be taken while constructing these stations here onwards to reduce the manual contact points within the plant. They should be provided with Following modifications :-
Electronic Sensors to start filling automatically after a time delay.
Electronic sensors to STOP the filling automatically after a time delay.
The Capping section should be pneumatically operated & working on Sensor logic like stated above.
Will this affect the costing ?
Slightly. However, as your primary focus should always be on maintenance of plant hygiene, maximum Non-Touch operations should be involved. It’s also vital from the B.I.S. point of view. You can always educate your audience about these to enjoy an upper edge over the competitors, though your plant cost goes a marginally higher.
Lab & B.I.S. Cost is the same irrespective of the plant size
The Setup & Testing parameters from the B.I.S. are very common for any size & type of plant. Be it Bottles, Pouches or Jars. Or be it a very small plant, or a huge plant.B.I.SB.I.S.Bureau of Indian Standards which issues the I.S.I. License
Construction Cost looks on a lower side
It is a factory setup, and without a floor on top. Hence no need to construct an R.C.C. slab. This will bring your cost of construction drastically down. The cost can be further saved if you hire your place for long lease (like 10 years).
Conclusion : to get 20 Ltr Jar Mineral Water Plant Cost Accurately …
However, the table mentioned above gives you approximation. And the prices are time sensitive. Better to calculate exactly by taking each & every cost individually. Look for certain articles like cost components. Besides the same, we do conduct Live Training in India for this single purpose :- Training the budding entrepreneurs in this field. Attend one of these. Best Luck.
Mineral Water Plant Cost Components – what are they ?
Mineral Water Plant Cost doesn’t just include the initial sum of money you require to start or setup the plant, in fact; it also includes the running cost & operational cost calculations. I shall go into details here, and shall list the major components one by one.
#Update (Aug 2020)
The Groundwater & Plastic laws are also evolving newly. Hence consider 2 additional costs in the Licensing Component like :-
The License & Other Costs Involved (Legal Expenses)
The Equipment which is necessary for the same
The recurring cost e.g. The Recycling Cost for Plastic
A New Service by us
We have started a new Service : Estimation & Forecasting in which we shall create the total investment estimate of your proposed water plant business, and forecast the profits for 3 years.
#this is suitable for those who have decided to setup a plant. For those who havent decided still, can opt for our Trainings
Is it required to be considered by an Entrepreneur?
Yes. I don’t say, you should be a cost accountant; but you should know what will the costs be in order to run the business profitably. Often entrepreneurs are seen to be madly driven by emotion alone. Their decisions should base on Emotion + Data. This costing awareness will prepare their enterprise to be run in profits over the years.
What Are the Mineral Water Plant Cost Components ?
Sr No
Component Head
Exact Component
From Where You get the Price of This
Supplier Source
Machinery & Equipment
Borewell for Groundwater Extraction
Borewell Supplier
Your Contacts, India Mart, Trade India, Alibaba etc.
Water Treatment Plant
Water Treatment Plant Suppliers, R.O. Suppliers etc
Your Contacts, India Mart, Trade India, Alibaba etc.
This Cost Component consists of the costs towards the following :-
(1) Cost of Borewell :-
The Borewell is required to extract Groundwater from Land. It depends upon how much water you will require for the plant to run. However, the Groundwater is not at our will. It differs from place to place, season to season. But solely, the cost of a Borewell is usually calculated from the depth you need to drill through.
Even if you already have a borewell, still you should know how much is it extracting from the ground. Then you will need to compare the same (the output) with your desired production capacity. If it is less than what you propose to produce; then you might need to fill in the gap between the demand-supply by procuring water from outside or may be a second borewell. This additional cost also needs to be taken into account.This cost can be had from the Borewell Suppliers. There can be local persons or you can refer the suggested directories.
(2) Cost of Water Treatment Plant
This is actually a set of Equipment, through which the raw water is passed to get the desired resultant water. The deciding cost factors for this is the Raw Water Quality. Usually, if you present this to any BIS approved laboratory, they will offer you a Test Report. On the basis of this, you can get a Quote from any Water Treatment Plant Supplier or Mineral Water Plant Supplier. The laboratories charge something like Rs. 10,000 plus amount and give you a complete detailed test report.
#Tip :- If you have yet not decided for a Mineral Water Plant; or you just need a proper quote for evaluation purpose at this stage; YOU NEED NOT GO TO A LABORATORY at all.
Alternate Way :-
(1) Attend our Mineral Water Plant Training, in which we share you a no cost method by which you would be able to design the exact specification for the Water Treatment Plant for your Mineral Water Plant. Once you are ready with your exact Water Treatment Plant Capacity, it is very easy to get the Water Treatment PlantCost for your Mineral Water Plant.
(2) Send the Water Sample to us and we shall offer you the best 5 parameters report at half the cost of that of the BIS Recognized laboratory (just look at the image below to check the water testing cost from the BIS approved labs), plus the notable points regarding your water treatment plant design. This is additional thing which the authorized labs don’t provide.
# It is mandatory to get water tested from a B.I.S. Approved laboratory, when you are submitting samples from your plant. It is a later stage, NOT NOW. At this stage you can skip this.
(3) Cost of Bottling Machinery
Bottling Section is divided into 3 sections :-
Bottle Making Section (Blowing Machine)-
Bottle Filling Machine
Packaging & Boxing Machines
Usually, the cost of Blowing Machine & Filling Machine varies from production but the packaging machines remain constant. Hence, you should define the exact production you for getting the Bottling Machinery Cost.
During our Mineral Water Plant Training, we take a dummy case study with sample product mix & train the participants on how to calculate the mineral water plant capacity, so that they can specify the exact specifications for the machines they require.
(4) Cost of the Lab as per ISI
The Laboratory Equipments have been specified by the B.I.S. and the cost can be had from suppliers of the same.
# Mineral Water Plant Construction, Utilities, MEP etc.
Mineral Water Plant Construction can be divided into The Shed Construction Cost, The Cost of the Interiors & Cost towards outer beautification etc. For all of this, you can contact local suppliers. Once you know how much is the exact land,plot needed etc, you can specify that to get exact quotes.
Once you define your machinery properly with their exact capacity, you can get the exact quotes and the dimensions for each machine. Once this is had; you can draw your Plant Layout properly. Once the layout is clear, the Covered Shed area and area needed for the utilities and other sections such as the MEP.
Similarly, the Internal Electrification & Piping Cost can be exactly laid down once the total connected load and distance between the machines is clear from the layout.
#In the Mineral Water Plant Training, we train the participants to prepare their own layout themselves so that, once the Shed Area and outside area is defined, the construction cost can be calculated.
# It is advisable to consider the Cost of the Total Plot into your project costing.
For all of this, you can hire local contractors, but with expert guidance who know the requirements for a Mineral Water Plant or Packaged Drinking Water Plant as per the ISI standards.. We offer this service as “Mineral Water Plant Technical Consultancy”, in which our technical team guides you on every aspect, at every step of the Mineral Water Plant you wish to execute. The advantage : You will do minimum mistakes.Kindly contact us for the same.
#Office Furniture & Softwares
While the actual machinery involved in the production process are the important considerations, the Office furniture & other cost components are equally important. Moresoever, they will be very necessary to see that you incur minimum wastage & process losses. We strongly recommend good ERP system, Vehicle tracking devices installed on vehicles of the dispatch personnel is a wise investment. Such considerations should be welcomed.
This whole thing can be summed up as the starting capital you require to initiate and setup your project.
Other Operational or Running Cost
This is the running money you require to make your investment work and generate you profits out of that. This includes mainly the following things :-
a. The Purchase & Consumablescost which includes the packaging materials used for bottling the water, plus the cost for material used indirectly such as filters, which is not the part of the final product showcased, but indirectly responsible for the produce of that. These are all tangible items.
b. The Overheads cost which includes human resource, electricity, capital cost, marketing cost, licenses & renewals cost.
How to Calculate this Cost ?
It is the running cost, and not just a 1-time investment calculation as mentioned in the other article on Mineral Water Plant Cost. For this you need to know, as an entrepreneur, as to what are the cost components in detail. And the prices of them. We have already covered this aspect in the previous paragraph.
The prices of the respective components also may change from time to time, hence these price considerations should also be kept in mind & the market trend too. To calculate the cost, use the following method :-
Make 5 separate tables for :-
Purchase & Consumables
Manpower Cost
Electricity & Other Overheads Cost
Bank Cost
Licenses & Renewal Cost
List Down their Monthly & Annual Consumption
From the Market survey, you might arrive at your approximate figures which you intend to produce. You can thus calculate how much would be your outlay for each of the cost component.
Arrive at the Fix Operational Cost monthly Cost
Total each one from the mineral water plant cost components and you will get the monthly figure. This is your monthly operational cost.
We do compare 3 major models with all major costs included; which actually help you to draw your own profit calculations. Kindly look for and attend our next Training and arrive at all of these costs exactly.
We suggest you to listen to the following review from Mr Anilkumar of Bangalore, who explains the importance of understanding the Mineral Water Plant Cost Components in details :-
Besides Anilkumar, there are a plenty of participants who have reviewed our trainings from time to time.
Note :-
It is observed that maximum entrepreneurs fail as they don’t pay any attention to this section & plan their dreams badly. Entrepreneurship is not blind thinking.
For this, we dedicate a full session in our Live Training, in which we consider 3 major Mineral Water Plant Models vis-à-vis their various cost comparisons & then arrive at profit, which is the sole extract, fuel which keeps the plant running, over the years. You may check the FAQ section about questions in your mind, or can contact our support team as well. Also check out the Reviews on what people say about the training.
Why listen to us ?
We are professionals in this field, water business and also offer Consultancy to setup your Mineral Water Plant. Please check the About Us section to know who is behind this.