
Bottled Water & Plastic Ban : An update (Sept 2020)

Bottled Water & Plastic Ban

Bottled Water Industry uses Plastic heavily. In a bottle of water it’s 100% Plastic, besides water. Last year, since the 15th August 2019, the industries concerned with the single use plastic (PET bottle is also a single-usage plastic), came into danger of existence.

Govt has created certain Policies

As there is no practical replacement still, for the PET bottle, it doesn’t mean that bottled water people can freely continue making PET bottles. There are certain rules formed by the Govt of India, they are called as PWM Rules : Plastic Waste Management Rules-2016, every term they are revised & redesigned if needed. By the virtue of it, every Polluter (the Bottled water producer or plastic prodicer) has to observe an EPR. Extended Producer’s Responsibility. You may read the following post already created for explaining the whole subject.

An update …

NGT, National Green Tribunal has ordered all the major “Polluters” to implement the EPR firmly. It includes all biggies such as Bisleri, Coca Cola, Himalayan, Patanjali etc. NGT has ordered the CPCB : Central Pollution Control Board to reinforce the EPR Audits with these companies.