What Is A Business Plan ?
It’s just like a Roadmap towards achievement of certain Goals decided. A Plan might consist of several steps one needs to take in the process of achievement of that. It is just like getting to a place with a pre decided route & means.
Is This Applicable to A Mineral Water Business ?

For that matter, it’s applicable to all businesses, not just Mineral Water Business. Recently during our Mineral Water Plant Training, we requested a Professional Business Coach, Mr. Biman Gandhi to conduct a small Session on this subject to guide our participants. Post the training, we also interviewed him.
Here is the Audio Recording of the same :-
The Summarized Text Version of the Interview :-
#Business is not an easy occupation. A well-written business plan is inevitable when you intend to do a business
#Doing business is a Serious Business
#The GPS analogy and how it is useful when it comes to write down the business plan.
#Business Plan helps you to convert individual desires into a vision that is inclusive for all. A vision invariably talks not just about profit, but also the People and the Plant.
Various components of Business Plan such as
• Executive Summary, Vision, Mission and Purpose of a business.
• Financial Consideration
• Business Model, Marketing and Services
• Branding, Promotion
• Compliance, Statutory Requirements, Norms, Standards – Due diligence
• Plant and Machinery Costs, Profit Margin, Expenses
• Availability of human and non-human resources, the location of the business
No amount of planning or the best of the best plan ever give you a guarantee to be a success. But if you dive into a highly comptetitive business like a Mineral Water Business ; without business plan definitely is surety to failure.
#The growth rate of the Mineral Water Business is phenomenal in India – It is growing at a rate of 25% every year.
#A well-written business plan is a roadmap and it serves as the guide. It keeps you on track, it compels you to set the priorities, it guides to you take informed decisions and make right choices, It makes you more sincere about your objectives.
#It is advisable to take an “External Help” such as Business Coach or Consultant. Because writing the business plan is not about just fitting the content under various sections of a business template that you might grab from internet
Making a Business Plan is the 1st major step
Once you create a Business Plan, you are actually defining the What , When, How for your Ideas to come into objects. “Why” is the Vision, Mission. Not that they are not there, but a Business Plan demands that to be defined properly.
Why It is Necessary for a Mineral Water Business to have a Detailed Plan ..
The Mineral Water Business, which really started booming up in India from 2003. It is split between the 3 national brands and the others. The others are the local brands, some really are “Brands” though local and others are just some names, not brands.
With the emergence of Totally Digitized economy, from 2016, the market actually started taking a different direction & shape. It’s not possible to operate with the “Without bill” mentality. Meanwhile, everyone is venturing into this ever growing market. Hence the competition is severe. To really survive, you need to work with a strategy. This demands all things to be put on a paper, in advance. Hence this demands a perfect Busines Plan to be in place.
Get Your Vague Ideas Clear by Attending an Idea to Actualization Training, Decide Your Business Model. We recommend Hiring a Business Coach (Get 1st FREE Consultation from Mr Gandhi, absolutely Free). Fill Up the Form on Contact Us Page.